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Rehab Partner & Mobility Research LLC Education Department


Partial Weight Bearing Gait Therapy I
Onsdag den 20:e November 2024, 8.00-16.30
Stora Sköndal Neurologisk Rehabiliteringskliniken – Stockholm


Vi vill härmed inbjuda er till Partial Weight Bearing Gait Therapy I, en praktisk utbildningsworkshop om avlastad gångträning & gånganalys med Nechama Karman*, specialistfysioterapeut & en av världens ledande experter om neurologisk & pediatrisk rehabilitering.

Seminariet är delvis teoretiskt med undervisning & presentation av senaste forskning men innehåller också flera praktiska moment inklusive hands-on instruktion om nya träningsmetoder & strategier samt live patientdemonstrationer. Var med & fylla på kunskapsbanken under en spännande & lärorik dag!

Mer information & anmälan: wmu@rehab-partner.se, 0763119331


*Nechama Karman, PT, MS, PCS, is a board certified pediatric physical therapist in private practice in Great Neck, NY. She has extensive experience in pediatric & adult rehabilitation settings, including inpatient, outpatient, acute and long-term rehab as well as home-based environments. She has been a LiteGait clinical trainer since 2008, and since 2010 has been responsible for ongoing clinical education programs for Mobility Research – including the facilitation of the online Journal Club, Case Studies & other clinical webinars. She has used LiteGait extensively across populations for both gait training and advanced skills training, primarily in individuals with acquired brain injuries and other neurological deficits. She was formerly on faculty at the School of Health Professions, Behavioral and Life Sciences of New York Institute of Technology, & School of Health Sciences, Hunter College of the City University of New York.


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